The Bible and Transgenderism

In response to the mass confusion about gender today (Bruce Caitlyn Jenner; Target; the Obama Administration), this past Sunday my sermon was on "The Bible and Transgenderism."  The following are four Biblical ideas about sex (gender).  I encourage pastors to boldly proclaim these truths to their churches, and parents to teach the truth about gender clearly to their children.  You can listen to the full sermon HERE.

  1. One's sex is created by God, not self-determined.  See Genesis 1:27.  When God made you, He didn't merely create you as a human being, but as a male or a female.  From the moment of your conception, you were either a boy or a girl.  You don't get to choose your sex; God chose it for you.
  2. There are only two sexes -- male and female.  See Genesis 1:27.  Facebook may offer 58 gender identity options for its users to choose from, but in reality there are only two:  Male and female.  Gender is not a spectrum, it is binary.
  3. One's sex is fixed, not fluid.  Jesus and the disciples performed many miracles, but they never performed a miracle sex-change.  If the Bible forbids cross-dressing, surely it forbids changing one's sex (see Deuteronomy 22:5).  Medically it is impossible to change one's sex.  Surgery and hormones can only change one's appearance, not gender. 
  4. Sex is manifested in biology, not feelings.  In the Bible, sex always coincides with biology.  A person's sex/gender could be determined from the moment they were born by looking at their anatomy (see Genesis 4:1).  One's sex is made clear through biology, not feelings or psychology.


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