The Singular Duty of the Christian Life

 In his sermon on the Ten Commandments called "The Path of Life," Matt Chandler said, “In a very real sense, the singular duty of the Christian is to abide and pursue a relationship with God; to center ourselves in his presence and in his power and let that transform us.”

What's the singular duty of the Christian life?  Abiding in Christ.  Jesus said in John 15:5 (ESV), "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."

In other words, STAY CLOSE AND FRUIT HAPPENS.  The key to spiritual growth and Spirit-filled living is to stay close to Jesus moment by moment.  Then He will give you the strength to live for Him. 

How do you abide in Christ?

First, carry on a conversation with Christ all day long.  Ask Him to help you with your test, to give you patience with your children, to help you fall asleep before bed, to help you resist temptation, to keep you safe as you drive.  Don't just pray at church, or in your quiet time, or at meal-time.  Pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17, ESV). 

Second, the moment after you sin, confess and repent.  Don't let a single moral failure turn into a pattern, a habit, a lifestyle.  You will fall at times.  We all do.  But immediately confess it, ask for forgiveness, and renew your commitment to obedient Christian living. 

Third, start your day with God.  Start with a quiet time of prayer, journaling, and Bible reading. 

Fourth, connect with church family.  Worship on Sundays.  Find a place to serve.  Connect with a Home Group (small group).  You were not created to live for Christ without the help of your Christian family.

As you continue to abide in Christ, moment by moment, day by day, Christ will empower you to become more mature and more effective in your Christian service. 


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