10 Commitments of a Godly Man

As Father's Day is approaching, it has me thinking about what it means to be a godly man.  We desperately need men.  As the men go, so goes the family, the church, and the nation.

What kind of men do we need?  Not just any kind of men.  There is a wrong kind of man that we don't need; he is the reason for the mess we are in.  We need courageous, godly men.  What does a godly man look like?  What does it take to BE A MAN (1 Cor 16:13)?  A godly man lives by these ten commitments.

First, I will maintain a vital relationship with Jesus Christ (Mt 6:33).  I will have a daily quiet time of prayer and Bible study.  I will go to church every Sunday, listening actively and worshiping fervently.  

Second, I will do no harm (1 Cor 16:14).  I will not physically or verbally hurt others or myself -- unless it is to protect myself or others.  I will especially not be physically or sexually abusive toward women and children.

Third, I will be sexually pure (1 Thess 4:3-7).  I will save all sexual behavior for marriage.  I will not seek sexual arousal outside of marriage -- mentally, visually, or physically.

Fourth, I will be a good provider (1 Tim 5:8).  I will work hard to earn a good living and manage my finances wisely so that my family has what they need.  I will not be a freeloader or a frivolous spender.  

Fifth, I will be active in church (Heb 10:24-25).  I will go to church every Sunday, and contribute to the church with my tithe and talents. 

Sixth, I will honor marriage (Heb 13:4).  I will love my wife as Christ loves the church.  I will never seek a divorce.

Seventh, I will lead my kids to follow Jesus (Eph 6:4).  I will set a godly example, bring my children to church, and teach my children the Bible at home.

Eighth, I will be a servant (Gal 5:13).  I will always look for opportunities to lend a helping hand, especially to those who are weak and needy, such as widows, orphans, the elderly, the sick, and the disabled.

Ninth, I will be a good citizen (Jer 29:7).  I will pray for my community and country, obey the law, pay my taxes, stay informed, and vote.

Tenth, I will be sober (Eph 5:18).  I will avoid drunkenness and drug use.

This is only the bare minimum of what it means to be a godly man, but it is the essential starting place.  This is the quality of men that we need.  Will you make these commitments?  Will you teach these ten commitments to the young boys in your home?  Will you teach them to the young girls so that they will know what kind of man will make a good husband?  

1 Corinthians 16:13 says, "Be alert, stand firm in the faith, BE A MAN, be strong."


  1. Girls and ladies, for a husband, look for a man who makes a commitment to follow these instructions, and you will have a wonderful, happy, secure and prosperous marriage. This man will be a great friend, husband, father to your children, and example to your friends and family. Aim for God's best!


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