
Five Signs of Spiritual Growth

So, how are you doing with your spiritual growth lately?   In his book, "Rediscovering Holiness," J. I. Packer noted five signs of spiritual growth.  Read through these and see how you are doing: 1) A growing delight in praising God, with an increasing distaste for being praised oneself. 2) A growing instinct for caring and giving, with a more pronounced dislike of the self-absorption that constantly takes without either caring or giving. 3) A growing passion for personal righteousness, with more acute distress at the godlessness and immorality of the world around, and a keener discernment of Satan’s strategy, opposition, distraction, and deception for ensuring that people neither believe nor live right. 4) A growing zeal for God’s cause, with more willingness to take unpopular action to further it. 5) A greater patience and willingness to wait for God and bow to his will, with a deeper abhorrence of what masquerades as the bold faith, but is really the childish immaturity, t

Bible Commentary | Matthew 4:17

From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, because the kingdom of heaven has come near.”   From then on From the imprisonment of John the Baptist. Repent In his book The Shape of Faith to Come , Brad Wagoner reported that just twenty-three percent agree strongly with the statement, "When I come to realize that some aspect of my life is not right in God's eyes, I make the necessary changes."  (Trevin Wax, Holy Subversion , 14.) Greek:  metanoeo (Strongs: 3340) The Complete Word Study Dictionary of the New Testament says metanoeo means "to repent, change the mind, relent.  Theologically it involves regret or sorrow, accompanied by a true change of heart toward God... In a religious sense implying pious sorrow for unbelief and sin and a turning from them unto God and the gospel of Christ."   The Evangelical Dictionary of Theology says, "In the NT metanoia (noun) occurs twenty-three times and metanoeō (verb) thirty-four times... Generally, however, metan

Sermon | Hebrews 11:31 | Learning About Faith From a Prostitute

 LEARNING ABOUT FAITH FROM A PROSTITUTE Hebrews 11:31 The Faith Chapter By Andy Manning INTRODUCTION Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him.”   His point was that you can learn something from everyone you meet.   We see this in the Bible.  The book of Proverbs teaches life lessons from ants.  Jesus taught life lessons by pointing to birds, and flowers, and seeds.  You can learn something from anyone and anything. When I was a kid I read a book called Twice Pardoned about a man named Harold Morris.  It was a true story.  Harold was in prison serving two life sentences for murder and armed robbery.  One day while the prisoners were outside in the yard, a twelve-year-old boy from the neighborhood walked up to the fence and said to Harold, “Hey man, I’m not afraid of you.”  Harold said, “Come over to this side of the fence and say that to me.”  Eventually they struck up a close friendship.  The boy told Harold that

Sermon | Hebrews 11:32-40 | The Results of Faith

THE RESULTS OF FAITH Hebrews 11:32-40 The Faith Chapter By Andy Manning INTRODUCTION There’s a popular get-to-know-you game that people like to play called “Two Truths and a Lie.”  You share two things that are true and one thing that is a lie about yourself.  Then the group tries to guess.  If they get it right, you’re out.  If you fool them, then you get to stay in the game.  For example, I’m 6’4, I wear a size 15 shoe, and I have seven children.  Do you know where I lied?  I only have six children.   Today we are going to play a similar game.  But instead of two truths and a lie, we’re going to play “a truth and a lie.” Today we’re going to wrap up our sermon series on “The Faith Chapter” by talking about the results of faith.  Thus far the focus of the chapter has been on what faith is, and what faith does.  Today we are going to learn to results of faith.  What happens when you live a life of faith?  The text is going to explain a truth and expose a lie.  It is going to explain th