How to Survive a Church Building Campaign

Church Acadiana is in its first building campaign.  We're hoping to break ground this summer.  Building your first facility is no easy task.  If we're going to survive and succeed, it's going to take all of us.  Here are six things that every church member can and must do for us to make it to the finish line.

1) Prepare for attack.

Any time you attempt to do something big for God, the devil will attack.  We are going to face fierce resistance, and it could come in many forms.  Don't assume that adversity is a sign that God isn't with us, or that we are doing the wrong thing; adversity could be a sign that we're invading Satan's territory, and he is attacking us with everything he's got.  We're in a spiritual war.  Like a boxer, don't go into a fight expecting that your enemy isn't going to hit you.  Otherwise you'll get knocked out in the first round.  Expect resistance.  Get your hands up and brace yourself for attack.  

2) Protect unity.

One way the devil is going to attack is to try to divide us.  Don't let him to use minor offenses and disagreements to drive a wedge between us.  Practice patience and forgiveness.  

3) Pray.

God only works through prayer.  We are going to gather every Home Group break for corporate prayer.  Be there!

4) Tithe.  

This facility is going to cost us more than we can afford.  The good news is that God can afford it!  But God is not going to provide for us if we are not obedient to tithe.  If every member tithes, the church will always be fully funded.  

5) Pursue holiness.

God will not bless sin.  If you are living in sin, repent!

6) Be flexible.  

Much has changed since we began this process.  The cost and look of the building; the size and type of building; the construction date, etc.  And most of that is because of things that are out of our control -- interest rates, volunteer schedules, estimates, lead times, material costs, etc.  And we can expect more changes as we go along.  That's why flexibility is so important.  It's the ninth beatitude.  Blessed are the flexible, for they will not get bent out of shape.  The key to flexibility is faith -- trust that God is in control, and that He will work it all together for our good.  I can't guarantee when this is all going to finally happen, or if the building is going to look exactly the way you hope, but I can promise you that God is in control, and He is going to work it all together for our good and His glory!  


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