How to Choose Between Trump and Kamala

We've got a big decision to make.  This November America will elect a new president.  The two candidates are Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris.  Who should you vote for?  The good news is that Trump and Kamala couldn't be more different.  Once you understand their positions on the major issues, the choice should be very easy.  In this short post I want to highlight the differences between Trump and Kamala on seven key issues.  

1) Life

If you are a Christian, this is the most important issue.  The Bible teaches that murder is wrong, and abortion is murder.  Abortion is never the right choice -- never.  Trump is strongly pro-life.  He has done more for the cause of life than any other president in history by appointing three pro-life judges to the supreme court.  As a result, the infamous Roe vs. Wade was reversed, putting the decision back in the hands of the states.  Now each state gets to decide if they want abortion.  Louisiana has already outlawed it, while other states have legalized it.  While Trump is strongly pro-life, Kamala is radically pro-abortion.  She was the first vice president in history to visit Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the nation.  

2) Liberty

While both candidates would say that they value liberty (freedom), their vision of liberty is radically different.  Trump values religious liberty, while Kamala values sexual-liberty.  Let me give you an example of how these clash.  Let's say you own a t-shirt company, and as a Christian you don't want to create shirts that would dishonor God, such as a t-shirt celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month.  Trump believes you should have the freedom to decline making the shirt, while Kamala says the government should force you to make the shirt.  

Another example of their clashing views of liberty is the second amendment -- the right to bear arms.  Trump is a strong supporter of the second amendment, while Kamala would like to implement severe restrictions on gun ownership.  

3) Scope of government

Trump believes that the best government is that which governs least.  In other words, Trump believes strongly in limited government, because as the government grows taxes increase and liberties decrease.  Trump believes that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Therefore it is important to keep the government as small as possible, and only ask the government to take care of a few issues -- such as national defense.  One of Trump's campaign promises is to drain the swamp.  The swamp refers to the many government agencies in Washington D.C. that regulate our lives, limit our freedoms, and make it harder to run a business.  He wants to drastically cut back on these agencies and on their regulations.  On the other hand, Kamala believes in big government because she believes the government is the solution to every problem and the answer to every question.  Should would like to see more government agencies and more government regulations.  

4) Taxes

Trump would like to lower taxes, not just for the wealthy, but for everyone.  This goes along with his passion for freedom, and his desire for limited government.  If you value freedom, then you should value low taxes, because low taxes let you hold on to more of your money.  And if you believe in limited government, then it takes less tax money to pay for it.  Kamala would say that she doesn't want to raise your taxes, but she will have to because she believes in big government, and she will need your taxes to pay for it.  Even if she only increases taxes on the wealthy, this hurts everyone because it will increase prices on consumer goods, decrease wages, and decrease jobs.  

5) Law & Order 

Trump is not against immigration, he is against illegal immigration.  Trump wants to secure the southern border so that we can control the number and kind of people who enter our great country.  Securing the border will also protect our nation from sex-trafficking and drug-trafficking.  Kamala wants the border to be wide open, just as it has been since Biden took office and put her in charge of the border.  At the same time, America's inner cities have become overrun with crime, drug use, and homelessness.  These cities are run by Democrats like Kamala Harris, and these problems are a direct result of the Democratic Party's soft-on-crime policies.  Trump would like to clamp down on crime and clean up America's inner-cities.  

6) Merit vs. Equity

Trump believes that America should be a meritocracy, which means that people should be hired, paid, rewarded, and promoted based on their individual abilities and accomplishments, regardless of their race or gender.  Kamala rejects the notion of merit, and believes that people should be awarded based on their group identity -- race, gender, etc.  Kamala is a big proponent of DEI -- Diversity, equity, and inclusion.  This means, for example, that businesses should hire and promote people based on their skin color.  If that sounds racist, it's because it is.  Trump staunchly opposes DEI.  If you want your kids to be rejected for a scholarship or a job because they aren't the right race or gender, then vote for Kamala.  

7) Environment

Trump believes in caring for the environment.  However he hasn't bought into the radical cult of climate change.  Kamala has.  She wants to shut down the fossil fuel industry, get rid of gas-powered cars, force you to buy an inexpensive and impractical EV, and even regulate how much energy your home and business can consume.  Trump wants to "Drill, baby!  Drill!"  He believes that we can tap into our vast natural resources without destroying the environment, which will both increase national security, create  thousands of jobs, and decrease the cost of energy for people like you and me.  If you value cheap gas and electricity, then Trump is your man.  

If you want to do more research, then read and compare each candidates' platforms.  Unfortunately Kamala's website doesn't have her platform, but you can read the Democratic Platform below.  

  1. Trump's Platform
  2. 2024 Republican Platform
  3. Kamala's Platform
  4. 2024 Democratic Platform


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