Church Attendance :: Even though, or unless?

I miss Sunday church about twice a year, if that.  You might assume that's because I am a pastor.  Granted, if I had the opportunity, I'd get away a few more times a year to avoid burnout and stay fresh, but the truth is that I rarely miss church because that's the way I was brought up.  Growing up, we only missed Sunday church a handful of times a year.  My parents weren't clergy; they were laypeople.  That's the culture we'd like to create at Church Acadiana.  That's a value we'd like to instill in our people.

Unfortunately we live in a culture that struggles to do anything with consistency.  That's why I don't take it personally when so many people only attend about once a month.  Most people don't consistently eat right, exercise, read their Bible, have dinner as a family, or even get a good night's rest.  Consistency is a rare commodity.

However consistency is what makes the difference.  As Andy Stanley puts it, investing small deposits over time is cumulative.  On the flip side, there's no benefit to making one installment here and there.  When it comes to things like reading your Bible, having a daily quiet time, eating healthy, exercising, attending small group and Sunday church, one installment isn't helpful.  Even one installment here and there won't cut it.  For example, eating healthy once a month, or even once a week won't do you any good.  It takes consistency.  To get the most out of Sunday church, you need consistency.

And there's only one way to get there.  You have to become an "even though" church attender rather than an "unless" church attender.  If you struggle with consistency, it is probably because you are an "unless" church attender.  You go to church unless you didn't get a good night's rest; unless you don't feel right; unless your spouse doesn't feel right; unless it's raining; unless it might rain; unless the weather is too pretty; unless you have a big school assignment due on Monday (or Tuesday).  You get the idea.  As long as you are an "unless" attender, you won't achieve consistency, because there are as many reasons not to go to church as there are stars in the sky.

That's why consistency requires an "even though" attitude.  It's the same attitude that is required to do anything with consistency, whether it is eating right, exercising, having a daily quiet time, eating dinner as a family, or even showing up at work.  "Even though" attenders go to church even though they woke up late; even though they have family in from out of town; even though their child has a birthday party that afternoon; even though the sermon title sounds lame; even though it's not your turn to play in the praise band, or volunteer in the nursery.

We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.  What is your Sunday morning habit?  What kind of person is that habit shaping you to be?  What kind of person is that habit shaping your kids to be?

If you would commit to consistency with Sunday church, I have a hunch that you'd eventually achieve consistency in the other key areas of your life. 


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