Why Our Kids Are So Well Behaved

Recently someone remarked about the striking difference in behavior between their kids and mine.  We get that all the time.  My kids aren't perfect, and my wife and I aren't perfect parents.  However there is indeed a big difference in behavior between our kids and most kids we meet.  And I'll tell you why.  Our kids stay home with Mom.  We don't send them to daycare or school all day long.  That means Lydia has all day every day to work on their character, and that also gives her more time to work on her parenting methods. 

Homeschooling is not a clear command in Scripture, so I'm not saying it is morally wrong to send your kids to daycare or to public or private school.  It is possible that there are situations where that's what is best for the kids. 

But I must also point out two Scriptural mandates.  First, we are commanded to be wise.  Wisdom is not optional.  We are commanded to pursue and then practice wisdom.  Second, parents are commanded to disciple their kids -- not merely to make sure they get discipled, but to actually do the discipling themselves. 

Now back to homeschooling.  When it comes to raising kids, Christian parents must ask two questions:  Is it wise to send my kids away from me for most of the day?  Second, is sending my kids away from me to daycare and school the best way for me to disciple them? 

I believe very few Christian parents can honestly answer "Yes" to those two questions.  Seriously, you don't really believe that God's original intent for the family was for parents to hand their kids off to other people all day long, do you?

Here's the bottom line.  When you send your kids away from you for the bulk of the day, someone else is raising them.  And if someone else is raising them, don't be surprised if they don't behave they way you want them to.

If you want your kids to learn how to behave, then you need to devote yourself to raising them.  That means you need to stop asking other people to parent your kids in your place, and you need to keep the kids home with Mom. 

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