Why do we Homeschool?

Homeschooling is not the norm.  And most people know next to nothing about it.  So I thought I'd take a few moments to explain why we have chosen to homeschool our six children.

First, we want to be more involved in the lives of our kids.  For Lydia and me, our primary calling during this season of life is the discipleship of our kids.  Not only that, but we realize that we're only going to have our kids at home for a short season before they are all grown up and on their own.  Have you heard of the 216 Principle?  That's how many months you have with your child from birth to 18 years old.  216!  That's not much.  Rather than send our kids away from us for 8-10 hours a day, we want to maximize this time.  We want as much time with our kids as possible to disciple them, and to simply enjoy them.  Homeschooling gives us more time to observe and get to know our kids on the deepest level.  This helps us to better disciple them.
Second, we want more influence in the lives of our kids.  If we sent our kids away from us 8-10 hours a day, even to a "Christian" school, we know that they would be exposed to all sorts of ideas and attitudes and people that just aren't helpful to our ultimate goal of discipleship.  Sure, we would still be able to influence them, but we would have a lot of competition.  Homeschooling, on the other hand, allows us to have more influence in the lives our kids.  We can control what they study and learn, who they hang around, how they spend their time, and how they behave.  Homeschooling gives us more influence in the lives of our children, and it gives the world less and less.

Third, we want our kids to excel in life, and homeschooling is the best option.  Most people don't know this, but studies show that  homeschoolers do better academically, socially, and spiritually than kids in public and private school.  In fact, studies even show that homeschoolers are happier, healthier, and even more tolerant!  This is one of the reasons homeschooling is growing seven times faster than public school enrollment.

We love the flexibility that homeschooling gives to our schedule.  One mother wrote an article recently called "18 Reasons Why Doctors and Lawyers Homeschool Their Children."  Perhaps the primary emphasis of her article is the reality that homeschooling just gives you more time.  For example, she pointed out the following:
  • We spend less time homeschooling each day that we used to spend driving.
  • Our family spends the best hours of each day together.
  • Our kids have time for creative play and unique interests.
  • We are able to work on the kids' behavior and work ethic throughout the day.
  • Be the master of your own schedule.
  • Sleep!
I couldn't agree more.  Homeschooling truly slows down the pace of life and gives you much more margin.  It makes life, and parenting, and growing up so much more enjoyable.

I am thankful for public and private schools.  Homeschooling isn't for everyone.  It isn't possible for everyone.  But I do believe it is the best option, and that's why I hope more Christian parents will seriously consider it.  Have you?


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