Critical Race Theory: What's all the fuss about?

Critical Race Theory is all over the news right now.  At least the conservative news.  The liberal media is acting like it is no big deal, a nothing-burger.  But it is a huge deal.  It is the greatest threat to America today.  It threatens to destroy everything that makes America the most free, prosperous, and just nation in history.  Many Americans have figured this out.  President Trump threw it out of all federal agencies.  Many state legislatures and school boards are taking action to prevent the teaching CRT in public schools, and those that aren't are experiencing a major backlash from parents.  CRT is also threatening a split in America's largest evangelical denomination -- the Southern Baptist Convention.  So, what's it all about it?  What's the big deal?  I'll try to make this brief.

CRT teaches that white people are racist oppressors, even if they haven't done anything racist.  That means your white child is racist, and your black child is a victim.  All whites are racist.  How?  CRT has changed the definition of racism from the view of one race being superior to another, to any and all systems and institutions that result in disparities against black people.  Since white people benefit from these institutions, they are racist, and they consciously or unconsciously work to preserve these systems.  

CRT views all disparate outcomes against blacks as proof of racism.  If there are more blacks than whites incarcerated, then racism.  If the police kill more blacks than whites, then racism.  If blacks score lower on standardized tests, then racism.  If blacks have a lower median income, then racism.  If blacks get COVID-19 at a higher rate, then racism.  

CRT believes that America is inherently racist because it was founded by racist white men who put systems in place to maintain white supremacy and keep the black man down.  

CRT rejects colorblindness -- the very value championed by MLK and the civil rights movement -- that people should be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.  CRT believes colorblindness was invented by racists to prevent racial equality.  Instead, everyone should be identified first and foremost by their race and then treated accordingly.  

CRT rejects the idea of meritocracy, which essentially means that the most qualified person should get the job.  According to CRT this is another idea invented by racists to prevent blacks from advancing.  

CRT says that all white people are the beneficiaries of white privilege; since they are white and live in a system based on white supremacy, they experience many privileges that blacks miss out on.  

Instead of rewarding competence and character, CRT advocates for intentional race-based discrimination.  It aims to promote, advance, and reward black people over white people simply because of the color of their skin in order to achieve social justice.

CRT teaches white children to be ashamed of being white, and black children to hate whites.  It teaches white people to feel guilty for being white, and black people to hate whites because all white people are complicit in a system dominated by white privilege and white supremacy.

This is only a brief summary of the sick, evil ideology called Critical Race Theory (i.e. Wokeness), and people are just now becoming aware of it.  Don't be fooled.  It is a big deal.  And as Christians, we must stand against it.


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