Problems With KJV-Onlyism: (6) It is Divisive

One of the main problems with KJV-Onlyism is that is causes division.  It destroys Christianity unity.  Unity was the main thing Christ prayed for in John 17 (v. 20-21).  We are commanded to pursue unity.  Ephesians 4:3 says, “making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

But KJV-Onlyists destroy that unity.

It’s one thing to say that you prefer the KJV.  That’s okay.  We all have our favorite translations.  It’s okay even if you think the KJV is the most accurate translation.  I happen to think the CSB is more accurate than the NLT.  But to say that the KJV is the only Bible that is the word of God, and all other translations are corrupt and should be rejected, this is too far.  This is majoring on the minors.  

Remember that there are first, second, and third-order doctrines and issues in the church.  First-order doctrines are beliefs that one must hold to be a Christian.  Second-order doctrines are beliefs that Christians must agree on to belong to the same church.  And third-order doctrines are beliefs that Christians don't need for salvation, and they should be able to agree to disagree in the same church.  Bible translation is not a first-order, or even a second-order issue.  But KJV-Onlyists sometimes treat it even as a first-order doctrine.  They major in the minors.  They have made this a hill to die on, and they have killed Christian unity.  Some KJV-onlyists will condemn you for using a different Bible version; they will question your devotion to Christ; they will kick you out of their church; and sometimes they will question even your salvation.  

At Church Acadiana, we are not going to divide over this issue.  If you like the KJV, fine, but don’t condemn others for reading modern versions.  We are blessed in our generation with many wonderful Bible translations.  The differences between translations are few, mostly insignificant, and do not affect any Christian doctrine.  As a pastor my concern is not which Bible version you read, but that you fall in love with Scripture and devote yourself to studying and living it.



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